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About the NewtApp Framework
C H A P T E R 4
NewtApp Applications
Figure 4-0
Table 4-0
NewtApp is a collection of prototypes that work together in an application frame-
work. Using these protos you can quickly construct a full-featured application that
includes functionality like finding and filing.
Whether or not you have written an application for the Newton platform before,
you should read this chapter. If you're new at writing Newton applications, you'll
find that using NewtApp is the best way to start programming for the Newton
platform. If you've created Newton applications before, the process of putting
together a NewtApp application will be familiar, though you'll find the time
required is significantly less.
Newton applications can be created with the NewtApp framework protos, which
are described in this chapter, or by constructing them from protos described in
almost every other chapter of this book. Chapter 2, "Getting Started," gives you an
overview of the process.
Before reading this chapter you should be familiar with the concepts of views,
templates, protos, soups, and stores. However, you don't need to know the details
of the interfaces to these objects before proceeding with NewtApp. Simply read the
first part of the appropriate chapters to get a good overview of the information. These
subjects are covered in Chapter 3, "Views," Chapter 11, "Data Storage and Retrieval,"
Chapter 16, "Find," Chapter 15, "Filing," and Chapter 21, "Routing Interface."
To work with the examples in this chapter, you should also be familiar with
Newton Toolkit (NTK) which is described in the Newton Toolkit User's Guide.
About the NewtApp Framework
You can construct an entire application by using the protos in the NewtApp frame-
work, without recreating a lot of support code; that is, the code necessary for
providing date and text searching, filing, setting up and registering soups, flushing
entries, notifying the system of soup changes, formatting data for display, displaying
views, and handling write-protected cards. You set the values of a prescribed set of
slots, and the framework does the rest.
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