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About This Book
This book, Newton Programmer's Guide, is the definitive guide to Newton
programming, providing conceptual information and instructions for using the
Newton application programming interfaces.
This book is a companion to Newton Programmer's Reference, which provides
comprehensive reference documentation for the routines, system prototypes, data
structures, constants, and error codes defined by the Newton system. Newton
Programmer's Reference
is included on the CD-ROM that accompanies this book.
Who Should Read This Book
This guide is for anyone who wants to write NewtonScript programs for the
Newton family of products.
Before using this guide, you should read Newton Toolkit User's Guide to learn how
to install and use Newton Toolkit, which is the development environment for
writing NewtonScript programs for Newton. You may also want to read The
NewtonScript Programming Language
either before or concurrently with this
book. That book describes the NewtonScript language, which is used throughout
the Newton Programmer's Guide.
To make best use of this guide, you should already have a good understanding of
object-oriented programming concepts and have had experience using a high-level
programming language such as C or Pascal. It is helpful, but not necessary, to have
some experience programming for a graphic user interface (like the Macintosh
desktop or Windows). At the very least, you should already have extensive
experience using one or more applications with a graphic user interface.
Related Books
This book is one in a set of books available for Newton programmers. You'll also
need to refer to these other books in the set:
Newton Toolkit User's Guide. This book comes with the Newton Toolkit
development environment. It introduces the Newton development environment
and shows how to develop applications using Newton Toolkit. You should read
this book first if you are a new Newton application developer.
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