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C H A P T E R 1 9
Built-in Applications and System Data
To Do List
Figure 19-3
The To Do List application
To Do List Compatibility
Version 2.0 reads and converts all 1.x To Do List soups. It does not reproduce
styling of text, because 2.0 doesn't support styling. It does not allow shapes and
sketches in a task, so shapes and sketches are thrown away.
Because the internal structure of the 2.0 To Do List soup is completely different
from that of the 1.x version, when you transmit a 2.0 soup to a 1.x system it creates
a 1.x entry.
Using the To Do List Application
This section provides information about the use of the To Do List soup and
methods. To obtain a reference to the To Do List in order to send it messages, use
the following code:
Note that future Newton devices may not include the To Do List application. You
should therefore check for the existence of the To Do List application before trying
to access it. Use the following code for this test:
if GetRoot().calendar then
if GetRoot().calendar:?GetToDo() then ...
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